22 February 2012

Happy ever after, not.

Hi dudes, wew I've been so busy for the past few days I haven't got tie to update. lol Anyway to sum up all what happened, I was just busy for our prom rehearsals and such. Nothing that exciting meh.

So today, we had our general rehearsal at Villa Lorenza Resort aka where the event will take place, thus requiring us promenaders to wear dresses. Do I look like a dress person, the last time I wore one was last year when my previous school also required to wear a dress for a program. Yep, definitely not a dress person. Welp, I didn't get to wear a dress anyway, I can't find any "suitable" dress for my liking yesterday, so I ended up buying a skirt instead.

Welp yeah, did I mention I still don't have a gown to wear. lol, yeah, I have already payed, endured the tiresome general rehearsal, yet I'm not that ready. Yeah, Bahala na si batman as they say, but me and my mom will go gown hunting tomorrow, thus I won't able to make the last practice for JS, but meh I already know what to do so.. Yeah.

Anyway, I'd like to congratulate our five boys. I'm so proud of them. :')
Dear One direction, you truly deserve the brits. I love you guys ok. I'm so proud of you, ugh.
You deserve it ok, don't let the haters get you. I'm so happy to be part of the #1Dfamily :-)

(Image from weheartit)

Well, I guess that's all for now.

xx, Roein

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