After a "semi" short hiatus, here I am guys, with a summary of what happened within the last few months.
So, February-April was my midterms and finals month, so obviously I was (lazy) preoccupied with my exams as well as my requirements.
Nothing much happened last February though, except for my visit at the art fair, having my ear pierced and float making at our school's basement. Aside from that there's not much stuff to blog about. (Hah, a lazy excuse just bec I don't remember half of the stuff that happened then lol). Ooh and also, I have been listening to Marina and the diamonds lately! (Hence my title) I love her to bits right now. <3333
Anyway, so then there was March, and let me tell you, that month was one of the wildest days of my life. (so far)
I won't elaborate this much though.
Since we were fetched by our pick up truck, my guy friends had the craziest idea to ride at the back from Manila to Rizal, and it was fucking awesome and maybe just maybe a once in a lifetime solid YOLO experience.Roadtrip with friends going to my house! (L-R: Josh, Roland, Me, Isya, Gelo, Melchor)
Had alcohol sneaked in to the house.Before we headed home, we dropped by at the groceries to buy food. And being the bad influence Joshua is, he bought 20 bottles of Tanduay Ice. Hence having cctv cameras throughout the house, we managed to sneak it in and had a great time.
Didn't sleep the whole time, cos It was also the last week for our float making for SOMA Week.
Then normally, the water supply runs out in our brgy. so Gelo suggested we go swimming.
We did went swimming.
And I was so nervous the whole time bec I was so YOLO-ing at that time, and right until now, my mom doesn't have a slightest clue that the whole thing happened.
March 4-8 2013
meh we still had classes
APC Idol, Ate Donna and Babed won.
APC goes broadway!!11!!!
that's all I could remember
Normal classes
Spent most of our time in the basement making last minute arrangements to our float
March 18-22 2013
Monday: Float parade
Tuesday: nothing much just bands and competitions
Wednesday: ARTIST TALK (THAT I DIDN'T GET TO WATCH MIND YOU) It was my brother's recognition day, and my mom was still at Singapore at that time, as the ~*ever-supportive*~ panganay I am, went home to go on stage with him. It was also Isya's birthday btw, and she came with me, and here's a video diary of that day.
Thursday: Mom and sister went home, fetched them at the airport. Helped with the stage design for Mr. and Ms. Soma since I was one of the production team.
Mr. and Ms. SOMA! My friend Kiel, won the Mr. Soma title, hence my girl friends: Maica won 3rd runner up for Ms. Soma, Ann won face of the night and Paula won most photogenic. Congrats guys! Love you all. My throat was soar for cheering you four.
Friday: The Teatro play that we needed to see for grammar communication class. (Attendance is a must -_-) and BOMBA NIGHT!March 25-April 14 2013
Speech choir practice + Finals
I practically YOLO'd my last days (e.g. got drunk at Isya's place no, won't even elaborate on that)
So yeah, I didn't get to submit my finals plate for painting, making me have 273492374 problems and had to call my mother for help
My block won the speech choir competition!! :-)
April 15-now
SUMMER VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!
So that sums it up.
Ps I might start "actual blogging" this month.
I'm currently in Singapore for a month long vacation. :D
(Some images grabbed from Joshua Solis, Duncan de Guzman and SOMA Week 2013's facebook)
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